The Premium Freelance Marketplace & Management Platform
Publicist is the only talent-first freelance platform, designed for best-in-class talent to find the best work in the industry. Unlike staffing agencies, the rate you accept is the rate the talent receives.
Our talent has worked with the best companies in the world
Get flexible support on strategic work from world-class independent marketing and communications talent
Our network of vetted talent is available for all your hiring needs, offering freelance, temp-to-perm or advisory services.
350+ skillsets
- Our freelancer community brings unmatched expertise in Creative, Marketing, Branding, Digital, Content, Communications, Production, Media, and more.
60 industries
- Deep specialization in marketing global B2B, Healthcare, Technology, consumer brands, and more.
+20K diverse marketers
- Diversity fosters creativity and innovation. We are proud to contribute to the growing contingent workforce of marketing talent around the globe, bringing a diverse pool of premium marketing talent into one community.
Avg 9 years experience
- Publicist is the only talent-first freelance platform, designed for best-in-class talent to find the best work in the industry.

Sasha M.
PR Specialist and Fundraise Specialist Freelancer - Creative - London
Accelerate Your Freelance Workflow
- Automate Freelance Management
- Join thousands of global enterprises, including industry giants like Accenture, Amazon, and Ernst & Young, who trust Publicist for both unparalleled management and top-tier talent.
- Reduce the Headache of Classification & Payment
- Publicist is an enterprise Employer of Record (EOR), acting as a single vendor for all your flex talent, handling weekly payments, monthly invoicing.
- Dedicated Customer Support
- Every Publicist customer comes with a dedicated Customer Success team who becomes an extension of your team, supporting sourcing, management, and auditing of our dynamic freelance talent pool.
Stay in the loop

Join the Publicist Community
Bring your expertise to some of the top brands in the world, including Google, Amazon, Accenture, and more, as they look to make award-winning work with freelancers like you.
Diversified talent within teams Hiring talent by project compliments internal team structures by providing additional specialized skillsets when necessary. Build a full fractional marketing team with Publicist.
Expanded bandwidth support Hiring short-term talent to support existing skillsets expands team’s productivity by providing additional support during understaffed, busy or key campaign seasons
Specialized skills on-demand Hiring long-term talent for on-demand projects in functions such as PR, internal communications, and content marketing enables continuity of institutional knowledge and specialized support
In-house, tactical teams Hiring a well-rounded in-house fractional team helps with agility in execution of campaigns at scale