GUIDE • 2 mins

How to Hire a Fractional Marketer: The Ultimate Guide

Publicist Team

If you’re looking to take your business to the next level, you should consider hiring a fractional marketer. A fractional marketer can bring expert insight and experience to your team, allowing you to work smarter and faster and make more sales than ever before. But with so many options out there, how do you find one that fits your needs? This ultimate guide on how to hire a fractional marketer will help you find the perfect fit for your business, no matter what kind of product or service you provide.

Step one: Identify Your Need

You’ll need a working job description in order to narrow down the pool of fractional workers and find who you need more easily. 

Remember, while you may only be looking for one marketing position at first, there are many other opportunities you can hire fractional marketers for. From social media work to keyword analysis and graphic design, these types of tasks can all be outsourced. A good place to start is by learning more about what each type of position entails so that you know what skills you need on your team.

Step 2: Meet Internally to Determine Logistics

Who will manage the job search and who will manage the new contract employee on a daily or weekly basis? These decisions must be made before selecting and onboarding a new fractional teammate. 

If you already have an HR team or in-house manager, they may handle onboarding. If you don’t have HR or an internal manager, now is a good time to select someone internally to manage your new contract employee on a daily basis. Also identify who will track progress and schedule regular meetings with your onboarding contact for status updates and check-ins. Additionally, determine key success indicators. What does success look like for both parties?

Step 3: Finalize Budget and Timelines 

You should finalize your budget and timelines before you start hiring a fractional marketer. As with anything, you should always plan ahead. You need to know what's in the budget for hiring this person and when you're going to need them. With a marketing team, it's really important that everyone is on the same page as far as their tasks, deadlines, and responsibilities are concerned.

Make sure that your team factors in any additional fees or commissions that are involved in the hiring process. These charges can add up and you don’t want any surprises when it comes time to pay!

Step 4: Post Your Job

With all of the groundwork in place, it’s now time to get your job posting out for the public to see!

You can do this several ways. LinkedIn is always an option, and so are job boards. We recommend posting on a platform that is specifically for contract workers. This helps avoid confusion, and increases your chances of receiving the most qualified and experienced results. Publicist is one great platform to use for this. 

Step 5: Make Your Hire! 

Depending on your timeline, this can take days, weeks or months. Platforms like Publicist streamline your process by providing recommended talent matches as well as personalized service and introductions to qualified and available candidates.